There are one or two bluebells within a couple of metres of M3 and I wonder when they will eventually appear (making the area even more like ancient woodland) in M3. Young ash leaves on the sapling on the south east corner of GS make a lovely filigree of green dipped in honey.
The pendulous sedge in Medlar Wood is doing well, but has no flower spikes yet, whereas others in the garden do. There are four dandelion flowers, all on the periphery of the project..
Because of the Covid-19 lockdown there is a birdsong-filled silence in the surrounding countryside until someone starts a lawnmower.
Common sorrel (Rumex acetosa) is now sending up asparagus-like spikes, red flushed at the tip, sorrel sprue. Small buds, also with a reddish flush, are lengthening on the oak cordon too.
The grey squirrel visits most days and races round nearby trees like a caged monkey flicking his tail and making an irritated scolding sound a bit like a duck quacking.
I was watching an ant through my close focus binoculars when it fell into Pork Pie Pond, apparently because it was not looking where it was going. It thrashed around a bit on the meniscus but soon found the side and was easily able to climb out up the patina of mud and algae on the glass..