Better weather but rather cold and soggy underfoot. There is an animal track of pressed grass across Emthree from the south east corner to Midsummer Pond, quite clear now I have let the grass grow longer.
Today I took some of the bamboo canes from higher up the garden that have died after flowering and used them to make short palisades round the heathers and various young trees and shrubs that may be vulnerable to rabbits and even deer.
The upper part of each cane has twiggy outgrowths and these provide additional protection. Anyway, we’ll see how it works. I also put a single cane up against the young ash tree by Ash Edge as this might deter rabbit attack too.
While ferreting about in Medlar Wood, I found one of the retained nettle plants heavily infested with galls caused by the midge Dasineura urticae – a new record for the project.