Thursday, March 01, 2012

Non-Euclidian Nature

Robert Pirsig in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance wrote "Weeds and grass and wildflowers grow where the concrete has cracked and broken.  Neat, square, upright lines acquire a random sag.  The uniform masses of the unbroken color of fresh paint modify to a mottled, weathered softness.  Nature has a non-Euclidian geometry of her own that seems to soften the deliberate objectivity of these buildings with a kind of random spontaneity that architects would do well to study."

20120225 Metre grass b

Though Emthree is not part of the built environment, these non-Euclidian manifestations seem to me to be all too apparent in the 'weathered softness' of late winter.  These shapes, reminders of summer, have a past and a future.   The picture above is of tangled grasses, that below of cut, or bitten, bramble stems.

20120225 Metre cut bramble b

As spring advances and things grow upright, the spirit of Euclid will, to some extent, return.